You have come to this page because you are seeking information as to the value of your item. Unfortunately, we are unable to do appraisals or research for items that are not our own due to the large volume of requests such as yours that we get. Each item we buy entails research (sometimes hours, days or even months!) to determine identity and value, and this research oftentimes extends far beyond the books that are available on the market. My suggestion to you would be to begin, as we do, with your local bookstore. There are literally hundreds of books on antiques & collectibles of all kinds, many covering specific categories such as dolls, glass, antique toys, Fiesta, clocks, modern furniture, etc. You can readily purchase these books at your bookstore. If that resource is not enough, you can begin to peruse internet sites, national trade newspapers such as Antique Trader, Toy Collector, and auction catalogs to determine current market value. There is never a cast-in-stone price for any item . . . prices are determined based on a dealer's expertise, research, and his knowledge of what the market will bear. We work hard at our business and take every item we purchase as a serious investment. Attempting to research your own item will give you an idea of what we do daily on a much larger scale! Good luck with your research ... it can be a rewarding and enlightening experience. Be sure to visit your local bookstore and check out the antiques section. You will be surprised at the amount of information available. *Disclaimer: We do not endorse or support these sites, nor are we affiliated with them in any way; they are simply offered as options for your further research.