How did you get started collecting antique purses?
ago, I was at a flea market and a man was selling an entire collection
of about 200 beaded purses. This was way back in the 80's and I was
fascinated with all of the varieties and their beauty. And being an
antiques dealer as well, I just couldn't resist buying "the load".
How many do you have?
that's a loaded question! Talk about getting me in trouble! LOL Let's
just leave it at several hundred. Of course, as a dealer, I am
constantly selling as well as buying, so oftentimes I consider myself a
temporary caretaker for these beautiful items. I will buy them to enjoy
for a time and then pass them along to someone else to enjoy. So I am
guardian to more than I actually keep for myself, although I have a few
hundred in my own collection as well … those ones that really speak to
me and I just can't bear to part with.
Which are your favorites and why?
My very, very favorite purse is the girl with the goat on the beach. I don't know
exactly, but that scene just pulls at my heart strings. And a fabulous
steel-beaded purse with giant bugs all over it … talk about strange!
But I love it because it's so different. I tend to prefer figurals with
lots of fancy jewels on the frames but any purse that I run across that
I haven't seen somewhere before … and when you've been in the business
for almost 30 years, that's a lot of purses! … I tend to "have to have
What types do you collect?
types! I love the mesh purses as well as beaded, but only the very fine
baby mesh or the finest of Dresden meshes. Mandalian lustro-pearls with
lots of dangles and mosaic frames are my favorites but some of the W & D Dresdens find their way to my collection. I particularly love
pastel colors … pinks and blues have always been my favorite colors so
my own collection tends to reflect that.
Why do you love antique purses?
laugh … but I think I must have a past life during the Titanic era
because whenever I'm around ladies' items from this time period,
including compacts and vanity items, I just feel like I "belong". Just
holding these items gives me such a sense of familiarity and pleasure!
And I love to imagine the history of each piece … who owned it? Where
has it been? Who else held it? Did someone cherish it as much as I do
How do you display them?
In my house, I have them hanging everywhere. We have a loft off of our bedroom and I have a three-part cheval mirror from an old
dress store that I have purses hanging on and above amongst antique
fans (also a love of mine and another item I collect). I also have them
on walls and furniture throughout the house. I have a large chest of
drawers that I bought with velvet-lined drawers just to hold purses! In
my store, I have several places where they are displayed … in showcases and behind a curved glass counter (you can see them behind me in my photo).

You may click on images to enlarge
You may click on images to enlarge

What's the best deal you've ever gotten on one?
probably have to say the collection of purses I bought back in the 80's
that I mentioned above. I can't remember the exact number of purses,
but I think it was something like 200 of them and the price for all of
them was $450! Believe it or not, I had to think about it for a while
before I bought them! Of course, they're all long gone and I ended up
selling them for just a little more than I paid as purses were not the
hot items they are today and none of them were the higher-end ones that
I now seek out. Since my own tastes and collection advanced, I don't
think I even have one left from that batch.
What's the worst deal you've ever gotten on one?
years ago on Ebay I bought a mesh purse that was described as "perfect,
like new condition" and paid over $400 for it. When it arrived, it was
about as un-perfect and un-like new that it could be! About 1/3 of the
enameling was worn down to the base metal and the hinge was broken. The
seller refused to take it back and after filing an insurance claim
against it, I ended up losing about $300.
What do your family / friends think about your obsession?
partner at Tri-State Antiques (Ed) and my hubby (Mike) both are
supportive about it. I think my family enjoys getting to see all the
pretty items, particularly my daughter Amberly. And Ed majored in art,
so he appreciates them from an artistic standpoint. Let's face it …
these beautiful pieces of history are works of art … of course, we
already know that, don't we?
What do you do besides antique purses?
also collect enamel guilloche ladies' items (vanity sets, compacts,
etc.), antique fans, antique porcelain dolls, and tiny stuffed bears.
My partner, Ed, and I run Tri-State Antique Center (since 1983), a
full-time antique business which specializes in mid-century modern
items as well as antiques making it a rather unique antique store. In
addition to that, I do websites for about two dozen clients under my
side business, CompuTrends Web Design.
Where do you live?
live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (go Steelers!) I was born and raised
here in a big family with four sisters. My husband and I were
transferred to California in the 70's for his job and we loved it
there. That's where our daughter was born and where I opened my first
antique store back in 1977, so part of me still feels like that is
home. I would love to move back out there, but since my family is all
here, I would really miss them. We do have lots of fun, especially
around the holidays and all the birthdays.
Tell me a little bit about your family.
My hubby and I have been married for 35 wonderful years
have a daughter, Amberly, and two sons, Bryan and Cris. Sadly, we lost
our son Bryan two years ago and, although he is no longer with us here,
we still feel he is one of our children, just living elsewhere. His
presence is felt every day in our lives and his passing has been an
incredible learning experience for our entire family. He has given us
so many signs that he is still a part of our life and I have been
documenting these
occurrences in his Journal of Miracles on a website dedicated to his
memory ( I've received emails from people all over the world who have found his site and were helped by it even though they never met us or Bryan.
We also have a house full of animals: a Yellow Lab who goes to work with me every day (Sandy), Cris' Golden Retriever (Stella), our cat Moses, and three cockatiels. When Amberly comes to visit, she brings her Papillon and her boyfriend's English Setter, so we're a regular zoo! But we love them all.
Anything else you want to say?
would just like to take this opportunity to say that I have thoroughly
enjoyed the people I have met who love purses as I do. I would also
like to thank those of you who have been customers of mine over the
past years … being able to place my purses with people who will cherish
them as I do makes me very happy. Being in the antiques business just
makes it easier to feed my own obsession and allows me to enjoy
collecting and owning many more of these beautiful items, even if only
for a short time, than I would be able to afford otherwise. So I thank
you for being a part of the Tri-State family :)
-Kat B.

For more information about the Antique Purse Collector's Society, you can visit their website for more information or email Melissa at